Apr 2024

5 Tips On Product Descriptions That Build Loyalty

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5 tips on product descriptions that convert and build loyalty


When you have a whole batch to write, it's tempting to rush your product descriptions. But if you're an e-commerce store owner, you could be missing a trick. Product descriptions are often the last thing customers will see before they hit that ‘purchase’ button. So it’s critical that they pack a punch.

Here, we’ll share our tips for writing product descriptions that have the perfect blend of technical detail, meaningful benefits, and inspiring imagery.

1. Give Enough Detail

People who are interested in your product are smart. After all, you created or selected it to offer something better for those who know quality and value when they see it.

So, don’t be tempted to dumb down your descriptions.

Give people enough technical detail on the design, materials, and mechanisms so they feel as though they have held your product in their hand. This will help them to trust that you know what you’re talking about, view you as an expert, and believe that the product has been thoughtfully made.

Feel free to use some technical terms, but make sure you explain your language to those who aren’t insiders.

For example, Altra describes their shoes as having MaxTrac™ outsoles, but they clearly explain what this means at the bottom of the page.

When using jargon, be very careful. Don’t use it as an attempt to sound smart because in reality, it can come across as thoughtless. If you can explain your product in simpler terms, then you should.

2. Paint A Picture

Often, once we’ve worked tirelessly to perfect our branding, design, and marketing, we get to our product descriptions and we’ve somewhat run out of steam.

So, we give a basic description and call it a day.

This is a huge missed opportunity.

While technical details are important, they’re only half of the story. An effective product description will open with two or three sentences designed to inspire a purchase.

How do we inspire a purchase? By bringing people into a story about how the product will enhance their lives.

Take this Nike Metcon description, for example:

“When your workouts wade into the nitty-gritty, the Nike Free Metcon 5 can meet you in the depths, help you dig deep to find that final ounce of force and come out of the other side on a high.”

Nike metcon product description

Seems like these shoes are going to do a lot more than protect your feet, right?

So, get to know your customers, and take the time to describe your product in a way that speaks to their needs and aspirations.

3. See Your Product Through Their Eyes

As you describe your product, it’s helpful to talk about a product's features (what it has and does) and its benefits (how it adds value to customers’ lives). For more on that, check out our Tips for Writing Copy blog.

Think carefully about who your customer is and how the features benefit them. Always ask yourself - “why does this feature matter to my customer”?

All customers are different, which means the same feature will have a different impact in different people’s lives.

For example, look at how Regaine describes almost identical products to both men and women:

●      Men: If you are losing your hair, you need facts, not fiction. Explore the causes, signs, myths…

●      Women: A woman's hair should make her feel strong, confident and beautiful. Explore the causes, signs, myths…

The lesson? Don’t take what your customers value for granted. Think deeply about what it’s like to be them, and how your product will change their lives. Use these insights to write descriptions which appeal and inspire.

4. Predict Objections

When writing product descriptions (and all copy and marketing), aim to anticipate customers’ objections to making a purchase - what will give them pause for thought before they buy?

By predicting their objections, you can address them as they arise. This will help people feel safe making the purchase.

For example, if your product requires installation, highlight your hassle free installation service. If you ask for a subscription, say that they can cancel any time.

When you do this, people will feel that you have their back and are on their side. With this security, they’ll be much more likely to buy.

5. Disarm With Truth

All product descriptions should be honest. But refreshing honesty can be a secret weapon.

Sometimes, when a brand or product comes across as too perfect, people stop trusting them. The veneer of perfection is somehow…unsettling.

Instead, try owning your imperfections with good humour. You may find you attract people with your honesty.

Innocent Smoothies are the maestros of this type of marketing. Here’s how they describe their mango smoothie:

Innocent smoothies product description mangoes, passion fruits, apples

“But there are still a few words we don’t have yet. Like…a decent word to describe how tasty this tropical blend of creamy mango, fragrant passion fruit and zesty orange really is. If you manage to find one, please do send it in.

Their self depreciation is disarming - we connect to them because they’re rubbish with words, just like us.

Another great example of self deprecating descriptions is VW.

VW Up product description - This car will help you up the corporate ladder. Just drive it to work early and work really hard.
Volkswagen tells it how it is.

So, next time you’re trying to describe something which people might see as boring or unattractive, try owning it. Find beauty in your imperfections, and you’ll certainly make your brand more relatable.